What is Snowboard ?

Snowboards are sports equipment used to increase the speed of skiing. The types of snowboards are mainly divided into snowboards and skis. With the development of skiing, there are various types of skis and wild snowboards in all regions. The size of the ski snowboard should consider the length, width, hardness, etc., and choose according to your height, weight, preference, etc. Skiing with snowboard requires mastering certain skiing skills, such as falling, turning, and turning around. The following bibuff website introduces you to the encyclopedia of snowboard knowledge, let's take a look.


Snowboard is a kind of skiing equipment, invented in Northern Europe in the early 20th century, to improve the speed of skiers when skiing. The structure of the ski is composed of a base, arched head, contacts, edges, effective edges and bending points. Snowboards are mainly divided into two types: snowboards and snowboards. With the continuous advancement of technology, snowboards have been divided into many different types.


What are the types of snowboard ?


All-Terrain snowboard

A common type of snowboard, most snowboarders use this type. The aim of this type of snowboard is to glide in any area.


Carving snowboard

The skis used by most recreational skiers are very suitable for skiing on compacted pistes.


Freestyle snowboard

Its design goal is mainly for sliding outside the snow track, can float on various snow surfaces, and can easily change the sliding direction, and at the same time can provide sufficient grip on the compacted snow surface.


Wild snowboard

Compared with ordinary snowboards, wild snowboards start to tilt upwards at the widest part of the head and tail, which can help the snowboard float better on the snow, thereby providing more maneuverability. Alpine snowboards are harder and longer than ordinary snowboards, and can increase stability when sliding at high speed outside the slopes, and are suitable for extreme skiers.


Slalom snowboard

This kind of snowboard is generally divided into big slalom and small slalom. The small slewing board is dexterous and responsive, and can turn at incredible speeds on solid snow; the big slewing board has stronger stability and grip.


Cross-country snowboard

The cross-country ski version of the retainer allows the skier to lift the heel and walk like a normal step. The engraved texture on the bottom of the board can provide better grip.


Mountaineering snowboard

The snowboard used in mountaineering and skiing activities, a wider model, especially with a metal edge, can walk through rugged terrain or engage in ski camping activities.


Snowboard veneer size selection


Snowboard length selection

According to the editor of Maigoo, generally speaking, the longer the veneer, the more stable it is, and it is suitable for high-speed sliding, and the shorter the board, the more maneuverable it is, and it is suitable for use in parks and props. Stand up the board so that the highest is not above your nose, and the shortest is not below your shoulders. Generally, beginners should subtract 20cm from their height, and the height can fluctuate by 3cm according to personal weight and preferred gameplay.


Snowboard width selection

After placing the holder and the boots according to the customary angle, is there too much part that is wider than the board surface, for example, if 5 toes are outside, the board is not wide enough, and it is easy to use the edge of the board when sliding because of impermanence. And an accident occurred. When you are standing on the skateboard, your boots should be flush or slightly over the edge.


Snowboard hardness selection

Generally speaking, the harder the board, the more stable it is at high speed, and it is suitable for speed persistence. The softer the board, the easier it is to complete the fancy movements during free sliding. You should choose a different hardness according to your favorite sliding method.


How to choose snowboard ?


Flexible choice

The choice of skis must first consider the elasticity of the skis. The elasticity of the board is large or small. Beginners should choose the skis with greater elasticity, because this kind of board is not easy to bump when encountering uneven snow, and the braking effect is also better. It's easier.


Length selection

The length of the snowboard mainly considers the factors of height and weight: refer to the personal height minus 12-15 cm, which is the appropriate length of the snowboard. Beginners can choose a shorter board, generally between the collarbone and the chin. In terms of weight, thin people try to use a slightly shorter, flexible board, and overweight people try to choose a slightly longer and harder board.


Width selection

Under normal circumstances, for female friends and those with small feet, it is best to choose a narrow board; if you have large male feet (above size 44) or people with normal feet but overweight, it is best to use a widened board.

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